Use the filters directly below to select resources by disease type, interest, resource type and language. You'll find most of our disease information brochures under 'Patient Publications'.
A flyer summarisng diabetic eye disease, which is a significant risk for anyone with diabetes.
A fact sheet on eye injections for the treatment of some macular diseases.
This fact sheet provides general advice on the costs involved and available rebates for macular disease treatment.
This webinar, part of the Macular Disease Foundation Australia’s community education series, was a question and answer session with retinal researcher Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith.
A resource booklet to help you understand vision loss and its impact.
A low vision badge for you to wear in the community. This badge is attached by a pin.
A badge for those with low vision. This is the magnet version.
A fact sheet on suggested questions to ask your eye health professional if you’re being treated for diabetic eye disease.
A factsheet with suggested questions to ask your eye health professional if you have been diagnosed with diabetic eye disease.
We aim to respond to your request by the next business day. If you require assistance sooner, please call our National Helpline on 1800 111 709 (Monday - Friday 9-5pm AEST).
If your query is about an eye emergency - including sudden changes to your vision or eye pain - please contact your optometrist or ophthalmologist as soon as possible.