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Aim to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

As we get older, physical fitness is essential for everyday tasks, such as getting in and out of chairs, carrying the shopping or lifting grandchildren.

However, if you have low vision or you feel unsteady on your feet, you may – over time – do less walking and less physical activity. That means muscles can get weaker and joints can stiffen.

Regular exercise at all ages improves balance, strength, mobility and reaction time.

It can also reduce the risk of injury from a fall.

Regular exercise helps insulin to work better, which will reduce your risk of diabetes and diabetic eye disease. It can also help to lower your blood pressure, reduce weight and reduce stress. Being physically active also helps manage other chronic conditions such as arthritis, depression and high blood pressure.

Please consult your doctor before you embark on an exercise program.

What sorts of exercises are suitable?

This will depend on your age, other health conditions and your doctor’s advice. But there are many activities to help keep you fit and healthy. You might want to consider

  • · walking
  • · swimming
  • · aqua aerobics
  • · tai chi
  • · yoga / pilates
  • · dancing
  • · cycling
  • · home / group exercises
  • · team sports
  • · lawn bowls
  • · croquet

Even just getting out of the house for a game of cards, or bingo or a local community event will help keep you active. There are various joint-friendly team sports for seniors, such as walking netball, or people with low vision such as blind golf, bowls and cricket.

You may wish to consider mobility training if you need help to get around your home or neighbourhood.

Check out your local council for information on local activities, or local seniors groups about what activities they offer.