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Postcard campaign success

We’ve been heard

Thanks to the many active supporters of the Foundation, the federal government has heard and acknowledged the Foundation’s postcard campaign for increased funding. The Australian Government has responded that it values the important work undertaken by the Macular Degeneration Foundation and the positive contribution it makes for the early detection and effective management of macular degeneration in the community.

Federal government funding is key to the Foundation’s ability to continue providing its highly valued support to the people who are affected by the disease. This response is a fantastic acknowledgement of the work of the Foundation and an important step in the process for renewed and increased funding under the Government’s new flexible funding arrangement. It would not have been possible without the overwhelming community support behind the campaign, and is recognition of the extensive community commitment to the values and aims of the Foundation.

The Foundation wishes to extend its deepest gratitude to those supporters who participated in this postcard campaign.

Posted: 1 February 2012