Supporting Macular Degeneration Awareness Week
His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AO, Governor of South Australia, in support of Macular Degeneration Awareness Week, had his eyes tested and macula checked to highlight to South Australians the importance of looking after their eye health.
Dr Grant Raymond welcomed the Governor to his North Adelaide surgery where the consultation commenced with a visual acuity and slit lamp test, followed by a digital retina camera scan and optical coherence tomography test, which looks deep into the eye and detects signs of macular degeneration.
Julie Heraghty, Chief Executive Officer, Macular Disease Foundation Australia says, “In addition to the importance of having your eyes tested and macula checked, Macular Degeneration Awareness Week highlights the diet and lifestyle measures that can be undertaken to reduce the risk and delay progression of macular degeneration.”
“The Governor was well aware of the importance of eating an eye friendly diet, not smoking, and leading an active lifestyle, and I encourage all South Australians to follow the Foundation’s eye health recommendations,” said Ms. Heraghty.
“There are over 90,900 residents of South Australia with some evidence of macular degeneration. The Foundation is honoured that the Governor of South Australia was a Custodian of Vision for the Week and took the steps to remind all South Australians of the importance of having their eyes tested and macula checked.”
Thank you to His Excellency and Dr Grant Raymond for supporting the Foundation and Macular Degeneration Awareness Week.

Posted: 30 May 2015