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    Cooking up a new stage of life: Shane Somerville tells his story

    Sharing stories about people who are going through similar health experiences can help others manage their own condition. So, when we listened to a very personal and uplifting interview with Shane Somerville from the InSight Systems podcast, we knew we wanted to share it.

    Shane started his career as a cook before moving into the audio visual and events industry. Thirteen years ago, however, the now 60-year-old was diagnosed with macular dystrophy, a genetic condition that has led to five percent vision in each eye.

    In our latest edition of Vision Voice, Shane candidly shares his experience of managing vision loss while still working, as well as maintaining a positive and busy life after his career.

    “I’m a glass half full guy – I always look on the positive side of things,” says Shane. “So I said, “Ok, I’ve got this condition, there’s nothing I can do about it, so how can I live with that? What do I need to do to make myself valuable, and to make my life fulfilled as well?”

    “With my cooking background, I’m going to write a cookbook called blind chef, and make recipes tactile rather than one cup of this, one cup of that – it’ll be a handful of that, a pinch of that.”

    “I’m using my passion rather than my disability to do stuff, and that’s, I think, what you need to do,” says Shane.

    Just because there’s an impediment, that’s not the end. There’s always ways to navigate around, and other opportunities open up as a result.

    MDFA is pleased to welcome Shane as our newest Volunteer Community Ambassador.

    You can read more Shane’s journey in our Spring Edition of Vision Voice.

    Posted: 7 Aug 2024

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