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    MDFA News

    New Nutrition Guidelines for AMD

    Latest research supports Mediterranean and Asian-style eating plans to reduce risk of AMD

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    Improving real world evidence

    An MDFA Research Grant allowed Professor Mark Gillies to expand his Fight Retinal Blindness! project across the globe.

    Research grant helping AMD prevention

    MDFA funding allowed Prof Paul Mitchell to build upon his landmark Blue Mountains Eye Study.

    image representing genetic material

    ‘Eye in a dish’ gene research

    Research reveals importance of gene variation for AMD While the exact cause of age-related macular

    Inaugural Ita Buttrose Oration

    MDFA Patron Ita Buttrose AC OBE calls on Government to reject Medicare eye injection rebate cut.

    Portrait of Ita Buttrose

    Ita Buttrose Medicare Cut

    An additional 47,000 Australians will experience severe vision loss or blindness if a proposed cut to the Medicare rebate for sight-saving eye injections is approved, warns MDFA Patron Ita Buttrose AC OBE.

    Avoiding a devastating outcome

    It took a severe health crisis and stern words from a passionate ER doctor, but Byron Bay surfer Shane Dunbar-Reid now has the diabetic eye disease – that threatened to blind him – in check.

    May is Macula Month

    Macula Month in May is our annual awareness campaign, to help Australians understand their risk of macular diseases and take early action to save their sight.

    Macula Month focus on diabetes

    Too many Australians have their eyes closed to diabetic retinopathy – the leading cause of blindness among our working-age population, a new Macula Month study has revealed.

    Vision Voice newsletter cover

    Vision Voice autumn 2021 out now

    This newsletter leads with the Aged Care Royal Commission’s recommendation to make aids and equipment more accessible for older Australians – a major win for our community.
